re-paint of the legendary "FROG"-motorcycle study, 1973 , photo by Tom Vack

Corgi International's revolutionary H2Go hydrogen-powered Radio Control Car, recipient of the 2008 Toy Award at the 2008 Nüremberg International Toy Fair. Professor Luigi Colani was responsible for giving the H2Go a look as futuristic as the green energy technology inside the car. The H2Go is undoubtedly an important milestone in the toy industry and a genesis in the step towards a fully sustainable global toy market.
The car combines classic playability with zero emissions energy technology, engaging the user in the quest to diminish reliance on fossil fuels. Power for the H2Go is delievered by an on-board hydrogen fuel cell, where sun and water supply renewable, clean energy for unlimited play

In recognition of his creative contributions to our culture for more than 40 years ,
the ART CENTER COLLEGE OF DESIGN , Pasadena/California honored Prof. Colani
on July 15,2007 as one of the first recipients with the : "DESIGN VISIONARY AWARD"
COLANI - In the beginning there was water
Knowing that all life evolved from water, Luigi Colani established the basic idea for the exceptional collection now presented by marburg wallcoverings. Colani created unique designs in the spirit of water in all its forms from drops to flowing waveformations. Matching together with entwined, mirrored ornaments, tightly gridded, in the unmistakable, biodynamic design language of Luigi Colani.
The designs were realized using extraordinary technical innovations. The interference glimmer shows a marked flip-flop effect. The colors change drastically, depending on the viewing angle. But the innovative highlight of the COLANI-collection are the softly shimmering pearls applied to the wallcovering, creating a look of precious refinement.
New as well, two dropshapes as a deco element, which may be applied at random to the wallcoverings or to the matching curtain panels. With these deco elements COLANI enters the third dimension.
The spectacular designs can be perfectly combined with differing stripe combinations, hammer stroke effects, and suede.
The colorspectrum is vitalized by the opposing movement of the multi-hued changing fond and the extremely matte overprints, allowing for no color definition. The color themes move between masculine greu-, nougat-, and burgundys and light offwhite, steelgrey, and silver, beige-, sand-, mauve,- and green tints.
The COLANI-collection can hardly be surpassed in raffinesse. Whereby the dramtic designs are in surprising contrast to the flowing, non-tangible, changing fonds. One has to see it!

Colani's own vision of a future "Harley Davidson"

Bio-City digitalized

Motor Home for Billionaires :
The ultimate organic design consists of 90% nature , 10% Colani and
combine it with a new component : 1000% luxury !

Colani "Anyfix"
The world’s first universal mobile phone charger is being introduced at CEBIT in march 2007.
The problem with cell phones is that it seems like every one of them requires a different charger. Professor Luigi Colani saw this not as a problem, but an opportunity. The result of this golden opportunity is the Colani Anyfix universal mobile phone charger.
The Colani Anyfix can recharge more than 80% of mobile phones on the market in Europe, and certainly recharges all of the major brand products. It is also terribly exclusive, in purest Colani style, which makes it as much of an object of art as it is a basic commodity! The Colani Anyfix plugs into the electrical outlet and the choice of suitable connector is a matter of just pressing a button. Professor Colani places great emphasis on the fact, that the Anyfix design is bio-design in its purest form. The main body as well as the dynamic arms of Anyfix have not been developed with trends or sales tactics in mind, but were take 1:1 from nature. The Colani Anyfix lends its unmistakable outline and shape from one of the fastest and most effective swimmers in the world: the Dytiskus Marginalis, an only approx. 3.5cm long beetle which can move under water at up to 4 meters per second due to its uniquely streamlined body shape.
Price and delivery date are not yet fixed. If you want to be added on the waiting list , please contact us by e-mail.

The Design Museum London will present the first UK retrospective of Colani's work in :
Luigi Colani – Translating Nature, which will bring together Colani’s extraordinary large scale prototypes including aircraft, trucks and cars, as well as his streamlined furniture and product design.